As did the FT-101A, the MD-90 combines the very latest in discrete, analog technology. Its highly renowned MOSFET front end provides 3 stages of very careful and precise amplification. Here even the most fragile of signals is strengthened and further defined by using highly effective "group delay" filtering. The result is a sonically correct audio signal, one that contains all the inherent richness and brilliance of the source being broadcast. In addition to the features offered by its predecessor, the MD-90 now offers even greater selectivity in order to deal with urban signal congestion. The MD-90's automatic variable blend which is keyed to signal strength, to maintain a quiet stereo output under low signal conditions. In the "off" position, separation is maintained at maximum, regardless of signal input level. The MD-90 now incorporates all functions in a totally redesigned motherboard.
This integration has provided the necessary design efficiencies to allow
consistently higher levels of selectivity to be maintained. Along with added
selectivity, the MD-90 has a redesigned power supply circuit that maintains the
tuner circuitry at standby at all times when the tuner is connected to a live AC
source. The MD-90 can now also house the analog remote system (FTR) inside the
chasis allowing for precise analog tuning through the optional infra red remote
control. (sold optionally) FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS:
Large, easy-to-read panel meters provide continuous
monitoring of rf input level, multipath interference level and
center-tune condition.
Frequency tuning is via a precision potentiometer which provides a precise,
filtered voltage for the tuning varactors. Visual output is via the digital
frequency display. The actual tuning mechanism consists of an ultra smooth,
large, front panel control knob.
Function switching is provided through tactile, toggle switches with oversize
replaceable paddles.
In contrast with the frequency synthesis method of tuning, analog is not
dependent on a digital microprocessor chip to establish the tuner's receive
frequency. With analog, tuning is accomplished using specially-selected,
discrete components in the tuner's critical "front end." In the Dynalab design,
these components are selected and matched so that a unique balance of
sensitivity, selectivity and sound can be maintained.
However, the most significant advantage in analog is that is delivers control
into the hands of the user. With the MD-90, infinite tuning is available in
order to establish maximum stereo separation or to detune slightly in order to
minimize on-frequency noise. With frequency synthesis tuners, this capability is
offered usually in fixed, 50KHz steps. While FM stations themselves are rarely
found to be transmitting outside the +-2KHz standard, FM station signals that
are rebroadcast over cable may not be quite so precise.
Also available in 220 and 240VAC with either North American or European FM deemphasis. North America deemphasis is provided if not specified otherwise. Faceplate - Available in 17 3/4" black and 19" black.(standard) Option Available - Kimber wiring in significant signal paths-improves detail and high frequency extension Option Available - Internal IR remote system The MD-90 utilizes a direct trickle down technology found within theDynalab MDseries MD-100 tuner and the
"Pro-101." Along with providing the FM broadcaster with a sonically correct
receiver in order to maintain audio signal quality standards more reliably, the
"Pro-101" incorporates circuitry specifically for use in the FM
broadcaster/repeater plant. OPTION - ANALOG Remote Control Certain manufacturers feel that in order to build a remote-controlled tuner the signal in the front end must be digitized, whereas we at Magnum Dynalab feel that this is where the problems start when you are trying to produce the best sound. We have designed a special ANALOG remote control which maintains the finite tuning and sound produced with our ANALOG tuners. The remote is optional and can be added to any of our tuners at any time. Features of the Magnum Dynalab ANALOG Remote
We feel that you should not sacrifice the great sound received from your
tuner in order to obtain the convenience of a remote control.